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Despit owning it, I only played it till a certain point very early on.
Sorry I jsut cant get into 3d stuff.
And I hate the polygon 3d just as much as I hated it back then in the days when zelda mario and the likes went "3d" back then with shit graphics.

i just dont like 3d, even if it decntly looking.



Damn ! This was a serious edge compared to first game.

This and the first game are some of my favorite indie games out there for their bizzare yet beautiful worlds and story!


thank you!!


This game is simply impressive. 

-The varied mix of 2D and 3D.

-The otherworldly and catchy soundtrack.

-The many little stories.

-The creative puzzle design.

-The unusual sense of humor.

But especially the many tiny worlds with their different and unique settings.

I´m always blown away when I think of this game.


Thanks Bobo the Cat! High praise! Anodyne 2 is a special game, I want to replay it again.

OMG this game loos so friggin cool :)

I would love to support the game. but I wanted to ask first... is this game in 32 or 64 bit on windows? :O



Thank you so much :D


Couldn't put it down. The PS1 style is beautiful. I played the first one front to end on Switch, so I had high expectations coming in and this was an even more amazing experience than I could have ever hoped for. This is the definition of a game with soul.

(1 edit) (+4)

Simply the best I've ever played .

Incredible in its poetic narrative, its humour and its aesthetic.

The game awareness of it being a game made me smile so many times!

Thank you Analgesic for this wonderful piece of art

Thank you!! I just saw this!

(1 edit) (+1)

For anyone looking for a beautiful retreat into the dreams of dreamers, Anodyne 2 is it.  Melos and Marina have done it again!  Not only does this game provide you with a compelling story but also a sound track to take you along for the ride as you explore the vast worlds of New Theland with Nova.  Over 15hrs of gameplay and I am still exploring.  It is such a joy to have played the game and also recieved a glimpse into these developers creative genius with tons of developer extras!!!  Please keep making such amazing games!  

And now you have got to check out Anodyne (even if you have not played it), Even the Ocean,  and All Our Asias!  

Thank you for playing and spending so much time in our game!


This is one of the best games I've played in recent years. I loved the first game, and this takes everything I loved about and refines it into a superb gameplay experience. I really appreciate how the "dungeons" have been fine-tuned, keeping the core of puzzle solving and exploring  but also fitting in well with overall game experience and story. And the overworld 3D was so fantastic! I'll admit I was worried when I first heard about, since many indie attempts at an expansive 3D feel empty or half-baked, but my worries were unfounded. The game creates a sense of life, that we are getting a glimpse of the world these characters live in, much like Ocarina of Time and Mario 64, back when playing them for the first time. And the music further fuels that sense of wonder and nostalgia.

Fantastic game, thank you so much!

Thanks for your thoughts! Glad you enjoyed the game.


I thought I'd try it for a few minutes and now I'm about 3 hours into the game. wow


That's how it was for me too. The first time, I booted the game up just to see if it would run on my Laptop and wound up playing it for like 5 hours. It's so good. :D


i think this is uh, absoloutely one of the best games i've ever played, thank you so much for making this. i love that its meaningful and emotional but also approaches game design with a rly playful and creative mindset,,,,its, its rly rly good, yall should be proud of this masterpiece


thank you!! glad you liked it. we are very proud of this game and what we achieved for sure!


this is the most beautiful game i've ever played, without exaggeration. thank you two for the incredible experience <3


A beautiful journey I'm extremely glad I went on. Thanks for telling this story y'all <3


no swap tool?



The game was awesome! Highly recommend you check it out.


Any chance we could ever expect a switch port? I'd love to play this a handheld console

Dropping a beeg "this" right there


maybe 2020!


it's out now!



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